Why Colostrum6 Is Right For You
Discover The World's Only "Certified" 3rd Party Verified 6hr Colostrum.
It's been kept a secret until now...
Discover Anovite Certified  Colostrum6 Product Line-up
Anovite's Colostrum6 Product Line-Up
Everyone can benefit from colostrum - infants, children, adults and even pets. More and more medical doctors and PhD research doctors prescribe colostrum for health care, immunity, and healthy aging in this scary, ever changing world of ours. Download Free Colostrum6 Fact Sheet Click Here
Bobby Brown
Hello, my name is Bobby Brown and I have been drinking Colostrum6 products for over 6 years now. This powerhouse health drink is truly amazing. I am 70 years old and my cognitive funtion has improved greatly as well as my overall health over the past 6 years. Just drink BC6  daily and you too can improve your health and start feeling great again.

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me anytime. My personal contact information is listed below.
ANOVITE: 18043
These Statements Have Not Been Evaluated By The Food and Drug Administration.. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease
Discover Mother Nature's Perfect Food
Are You Taking "True" Certified Bovine Colostrum or an Imposter?
Visit My Corporate Website For More Information Today! Click Here
This Is How You Can Tell...
Throw imposter colostrum powders in the trash. Discover Anovite’s 3rd Party-certified 6-Hour colostrum, proven to work in 90 days or your money back.
Anovite’s Colostrum6 is never altered or defatted in any way. It’s collected within a 6-hour window of a calf's birth and contains all 6 major components of WHOLE food colostrum.
Anovite Colostrum6 gives the body everything it needs to not only survive but thrive. With 100% whole-food colostrum, your body can immediately absorb it and go to work on what it needs to fix the most.
We are the highest-quality bovine colostrum, containing the maximum concentration of biologically active substances collected in a single milking during the first six hours after the calf’s birth. There is no need to change what nature has already perfected…
Anovite’s Colostrum6, hence the name, is collected within a 6-hour window. Our colostrum has exceeded all other products in testing that it has undergone
Some products are sold as 24, 48, and even 72-hour colostrum. This is NOT colostrum. It is milk. Colostrum is NOT milk. Thus, calling a product with significant transitional milk in it “colostrum” is a misnomer.
What are the observable characteristics of true, whole-food colostrum? 100% whole, unadulterated, non-defatted, non-standardized colostrum powder will be creamy-tasting, clumpy, easily moldable, and yellowish in color. If yours is marketed as “fat-free,” it will be a white, grainy substance you can easily sift through your fingers, which is essentially a lifeless product.
The first milking approach gives our colostrum the highest concentration of bioactives to support immunity, gut health, radiant skin + hair and athletic performance
The first milking approach gives our colostrum the highest concentration of bioactives to support immunity, gut health, radiant skin + hair and athletic performance and much more!
Anovite Certified 6hr Colostrum Is The Real Deal!
Anovite 6hr Bovine Colostrum - The Real Deal Guaranteed!